Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Parmar Rajput



Parmar (Pramara or Panwar) with 35 branches : Mori, Sodha,Sankhla, Khechar , Umra & Sumra , Kohil, Daddha, Maipawat, Khair, Bhuller, orgatia,Pachawara,Varah, KabaBeedh, Badhel, Dheek, Ujjjainia, Kaleja.....etc

Also known as Parwar or Pawar in Maharashtra, where the brances are: Pawar, Bagwe, Ichare, Renuse, Jagdhane, Rasal, Landage, Bane, Rokade, Chandane, Khairnar, Malwade, Wagaje. According to the myths their great-grand forefather, Parmar, was created out of fire by Inder Devta, the god of fire, at Mount Abu. It is said that as the newly created man had come out from fire saying “mar, mar” loudly, he came to be known as parmar, and Abu, Dhar, and Ujjain were assigned to him as a territory.

The 4 clans known as Agnikula were the Panwar, Chauhan, Parihar, and Chalukya or Solanki.

The Navasahasanka charitra of Padmaguta (11th cent AD) mentions the first of the Parmara clan : Vashishta created a hero from his agnikunda to get back the cow that Vishvamitra had taken from him. Vashishta then said: “you will become a lord of the kings called Paramara”. Here Paramara indicated killer of others. This hero’s son Upendra was succeeded by Vakpatiraj I. The copper-plates of Harsola, that are from 949 AD give the descent of Bappairaja (Vakpatiraja) from Akalavarsha. Akalavarsha was a famous Rashtrakuta king. A later inscription of Vakpatiraj II of the Parmara dynasty mentions that the king bore titles Amoghavarsha, Prathvivallabha and Shrivallabha. There are Rashtrakuta titles. This Vakpatiraj II was an uncle of famous Raja Bhoja.

The kings of Malwa or Ujain who reigned at Dhar and flourished from the ninth to the twelfth centuries were of the Panwar clan. The 7th and 9th kings of this dynasty rendered it famous. “Raja Munja, the 7th king (974-995), renowned for his lerarning and eloquence, was not only a patron of poets, but was himself a poet of small reputation, the anthologies including various works from his pen. He penetrated in a career of conquest as far as Godavari, but was finally defeated and executed there by the Chalukya king. His nephew, the famous Bhoja, ascended the throne of Dhara about 1018 andreigned gloriously for more than forty years. Like his uncle he cultivated with equal assiduity the arts of peace and war.

Though his fights with neighbouring powers, including one of the Muhamadan armies of Mahmud of Ghazni, are now forgotten, his fame as an enlightened patron of learning and a skilled author remains undimmed, and his name has become proverbial as that of the model king acoording to Hindu standard. Works on astronomy, architecture, the art of poetry and other subjects are attributed to him. About AD 1060 Bhoja was attacked and defeated by the confederate kings of Gujarat and Chedi, and the Panwar kingdom was reduced to a petty local dynasty until the 13th century. It was finally superseeded by the chiefs of the Tomara and Chauhan clans, who in their turn succumbed to the Muhamaddans in 1401” (V.A. Smith, Early History of India 3rd ed. p395). The city of Ujjain was at this time a centre of Indian intelectual life. Some celebrated astronomers made it their home, and it was adopted as the basis of the Hindu meridional system like Greenwhich in England. The Panwars were held to have ruled from nine castles over the Marustali or ‘Region of death’, the name given to the great dessert of Rajputana, which extends from Sind to the Aravalli mountains and from the great salt lakes to the skirting of Garah. The principal of these castles were Abu, Nundore, Umarkot, Arore, and Lodorva. Mr. Crooke states that the expulsion of the Panwars from Ujjain under their leader Mitra Sen is ascribed to the attack of the Muhamaddans under Shahab-ud-din Ghori about AD 1190. After this they spread to Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, where they are known as Pawar (Sivaji was a Puar and so is the Nimbhalkar tribe) Mr. Crooke (Tribes and castes) states: “The Khidmatia,Barwar or Chobdar are said to be an inferior branch of the Panwars, descended from a low-caste woman” . “The Panwars had the abit of keeping women of lower castes to a greater degree than the ordinary, and this has been found to be trait of other castes of mixed origin, and they are sometimes known as Dhakar, a name having the sense of illigitimacy”. (Russel, p339). In the Maratha rice coutry of Wainganga the Panwars have developed into 36 exogamous sections, bearing names of Rajput clans and of villages. Their titles are: Chaudhri (headman), Patlia (patel or chief officer of a village) and Sonwania.

Pawars are descendents of Parmar kings of Dhar. Some of Parmar kings were followers of Jainism, others that of Shaivism. Parmar is a big caste of Jains in Gujarat and it is also a famous clan of Oswals. Another Jain caste named Parwar is also descendent of Parmar kings. Osho Rajnish was from this community, that once was part of the Parwars.

The Parwar Jain caste is called “Paurpatta” in Sanskrit inscriptions. There are quite a few Sanskrit inscriptions in the Chanderi region that mention them from 11-12th century. It is likely that they are the same people involved in installing Jain images going back to Gupta period in that region, thus they are unlikley to be the descendants of Parmar kings. The Jain caste in Gujarat (Porwal or Porwad) is called “Pragvata” in Sanskrit. Most of the famous Jain temples in Gujarat (Mt. Abu, Ranakpur) were build by them. Their home is South Rajastan. The Parmar kings are called “Pragvata” in Sanskrit. Their original home too is Southern Rajasthan. Thus “Pragvata” must be the name of the region that is now Southern Rajasthan; and the Parmar Rajputs and the Porwal Jains of Rajasthan/Gujarat both take their name from this region. This is the region where Mount Abu is located.

At the Time of Alexander’s raid into India, he ran up against the Puru tribe. The leader’s name was taken as Porus. There is at least one other “ Porus’ referred to in the Greek accounts. The clan or a name is Puru, and now possibly found amoung the Jats as Puru, Pawar, Parmar, Paur, Por, Paurava or Pauria, or Paurya as a gotra name. However clan names and gotra names may not coincide, the gotra denoting a forefather with the personal name, which may not always be the tribe name

Mori = Branch of Panwar Rajputs. They claim descent from Chandragupta Maurya, but they are probably not realated to the Maurya emperors. In Maharashtra the septs are: More, Madhure, Devkate, Harphale, Dhyber, Marathe, Darekar, Devkar, Adavale.

This dynasty was founded by Chandragupta Mourya at Patliputra (Modern Patna in Bihar) in 317 B.C. Chandragupta was born in Mayurposag (Peacock tamer) community. Chandragupta became the first historical emperor of India. His empire included almost all of the south Asia. He defeated the Greek invaders. Chandragupta ruled for 22 years. After him his son Bindusar became the emperor. After him Ashok became the emperor. After the war of Kalinga, Ashok adopted Buddhism. After Ashok his grand son Samprati became the emperor and ruled from Ujjain while Dashrath, another grandson ruled from Patliputra. Brihdrath was the last emperor of this dynasty. He was killed by his General Pushyamitra Shung. He founded Pushy dynasty. Kharvel, king of Kaling attacked and killed Pushyamitra. The ‘Devak’ of Mores is feather of peacock. This is because of their ‘Mayurposag’ (Peacock tamer) origin.


 Kunwar Vivek Veer Singh Parmar

Mo.- +919883434032

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